No more boring event calendars, with ads overloaded eventtips, SMS & e-mail newsletters or edited photo galleries of events. Nightlifemuseum – the international event-app with real content from real users. Be aware of getting addicted!
You know quickly and easily which events are currently running. You can follow your friends, DJs and acts to stay up to date. Create your own story by posting photos and videos and share them with your followers. Exploring, choosing, transparency, eventscalendar, socializing, profile, following and followers, personal story and international content are just the beginning!
Explore Spots with MapCheck for spots and events around you. You can see where something is going on and who was there.Filter SpotsWith a simple filter for activity, age, style and music, you can customize the map to your needs.
Smart SearchFind easily cities, spots, events, users or hashtags through our smart integrated search function.Your ProfileConnect with Social Media, fulfill your profile, share with your friends and add favorites.
Your StoryYour personal story with all visits, uploads of images and videos connected with your followers.
Spot DetailsGet more details about the spot: Gallery, rating, real-time content, visitors and more – all in one place.